How to get to write a guest article on any blog and triple your traffic in the next 3 months
Even if you write a 2,000-word daily post … still, you are not guaranteed success.
I have been with this blog since 2010 and I assure you that I have gone through all the unimaginable phases:
Write many short contents daily. Few lengths, Many lengths.Etc.
I have tried everything and I can tell you for sure that I know what works and what doesn’t.
Getting to write like a man possessed is pointless because you lack strategy. You don’t know why you write, who you are writing to or what content to create.
You are betting on the Lottery to see if at any moment of pure luck it touches you.
That is why today I want to explain in depth one of the contents that should always be within your content strategy if you want to increase your visits: a guest post or guest article.
What is this? Why is it so important? How to pose it?
In this post I not only answer these 3 questions, but I bring you the definitive tutorial in which I explain everything you have to know about guest posting.
It is not magic, it is strategy. You can get guidance for better seo consultancy easily.
What is guest posting and why is it so important?
As I told you before, it doesn’t matter that you write a 2,000-word post every day. And do you know why?
Because in the social networks of your possible readers there are thousands and thousands of contents like yours.
You are just one more who is on Twitter and Facebook.
This way all you do is wear down your keyboard while increasing your frustration.
How to redirect the situation to gain visibility?
Learning to define your strategy and being clear:
Who is your ideal reader?
What is the objective of your content strategy?
In this case, your goal is to win visits, so you have to focus on the content that is best for that:
- Guest posts.
- SEO copywriting.
- Collaborative articles.
And of these 4, for me the most effective and the one you should always include in your content strategy is the guest post.
Now I will explain the reason.
If I stick to the definition, a guest post is an article that you write on someone else’s blog. But the truth is that it is much more than that.
Or, what is the same, visits that can become subscribers.
This is not ending here. Wait.
# 1 The main advantages of guest posting
In addition to visits, guest blogging (it can also be called that) offers you other benefits:
Subscribers: Qualified traffic equals leads. If your guest article has been good (and always should be), the reader will not hesitate to enter your blog to see what other content you offer. And among them, your lead magnet … The base of your conversion process.
Also, remember that to make your online business economically viable, you only need 1,000 loyal subscribers.
You need links. A guest post is an easy way to get a high quality link to your blog.
Personal brand: the normal thing is that you look for blogs that have a greater audience than yours and, therefore, also an authority. Appearing on those blogs will make the public link you to the blogger’s brand and give you credibility.
Networking: Guest posting is a way of networking. You are relating to other people in your sector to establish a collaboration. Who knows if any other project or even a job arises from here?
Now you may be wondering, why would a blogger want to let me write on their blog?
Because guest posting is a win-win activity and he also makes a profit.
The owners of the blogs that give you the opportunity to write get free content (original and fresh) that interests their audience. They save themselves from writing content (and when you’re at a peak for work it is appreciated) and you make yourself visible to their audience.
I said, win win.
# 2 And where can you find blogs that accept guest posting?
Now we do get to work.
The first thing is to see which blogs accept guest articles to create a listing. Then we will analyze each one according to different variables to see which one you are most interested in publishing.
- Visit leading websites in your market
You can visit the most demanding or you can say leading seo agency near you . Just search for “best seo companies in dubai”on Google and there you will see in SERPs the top seo company in dubai. Now, you can contact or pitch your ideas. On many pages they accept guest bloggers. You just have to take a tour of these sites that are references in your specialty and see who invites you to write.
Also, chances are you will find the rules for the guest author there, which will make your job easier.
This tool is just as easy to use as it is practical. You only enter (it has a free version), select the tab «Influencers» and put the keyword that corresponds to your sector.
Buzzsumo, how to take advantage of it for Guest Posting Result that Buzzsumo shows when putting «digital marketing» With these 3 options you have more than enough to start.
Make a list of 30 blogs that have caught your attention the most. The next step will be to filter it to see which are the blogs that interest us the most.
# 3 How to select candidates for guest posting?
There are several criteria to consider.
Traffic : you should look for blogs with a higher traffic than yours. To do this you can use Ubersuggest, which is free.
Participation : it is a very important topic, traffic is not everything. Check the volume of comments that are regularly on each post. If the community of that blog is very active, you are guaranteed an extra point. It is also interesting that you take a look at the activity of their social networks. Don’t just stick with your number of followers, but whether your posts are shared.
Audience type : You have to search for blogs that share an audience similar to yours (this is what will make you have more options for them to become subscribers).
For example, I could write a blog post for a blogging mom and offer her a collaboration titled: “The only business plan you need if you’re a blogging mom.” I am sure that this topic would interest your audience and would also be talking about something that is related to my activity. As you are seeing,
I am making a custom proposal. If you want to see a real example, here is the guest post I made for the Ángel Alegre blog in which I explain why traveling alone is a very positive thing to manage a one-person business afterwards .
It is important to take time to analyze these data calmly because writing an article is going to cost you a few hours of work.
# 4 What is the court’s strategy or how to choose the best blog to write a guest post
In the Middle Ages kings were almost inaccessible. They had the emissaries waiting months and even years before giving them an audience. Sometimes for lack of time, sometimes for simple “appearance.”
If you wanted to speak to the king, the best thing you could do was not to knock directly on his door. They weren’t the ones managing their appointments themselves.
How then could you get the king to listen to you?
Camelling his entourage.
If you made yourself visible to each other, made friends, and got them to hold you as a person of high esteem, that could save you the king’s “no” or even months of waiting.
Well, in the world of blogging the strategy is the same: to reach the influencer, first you have to win over his team.
Surely in your niche there are one or more recognized stars or experts who stand out above the rest. Visible figures that attract the full attention of your sector. Posting on his blog would be a blast for you, but the reality is that you are now a real stranger in your sector. Complicated, right?
The reality is that if you get close to that “king” now, chances are they’ll reject you or take you long. If he answers you, of course.
Don’t be discouraged. Think that these people will receive dozens of proposals from guest posts and bloggers with more experience than you.
I have already commented on the blog many times, as soon as you grow a little with your online business (much sooner than you think), the amount of accumulated work will devour you. The list of tasks is endless, you do not get to the middle of things and burnout makes you feel desperate and tense.
Throughout these years, whenever I have incorporated people into the team, I have sought a very specific profile: a talented freelance who excelled in his sector.
Someone specialized and who knew he was very good at it.
What does it have to do with the guest posting?
Very easy. All these people I am talking about have an intermediate profile (although they may be kings in their specialization) and have direct access to me. Continuing with the simile of the king. They are noble of the court (they have less readers than the king but many more than you) who have a very good relationship with the king.
If you wanted to write in Lifestyle Al Cuadrado, who do you think would have it easier?
Unknown blogger : any blogger (no matter the number of visits or authority) that I do not know anything about and who sends me an email “without incident”.
Blogger known to my team: a blogger who is friends with several people on my team and whose relationship is quite close, so it is recommended by them.
You don’t need to answer.
Although it is also true that there is a much faster way to access the king and that it would be like a kind of “royal safe-conduct”.
If you want to reach this blogger immediately, what you have to do is buy one of their training products .
In the course you will have direct access to that person and you will be able to establish a direct relationship with him. A relationship in which he will already receive you in a positive way for having spent your money on his products.
But since this is not always possible or interesting, forget about the stars at first and focus on the court .
If you manage to shine on different blogs of the members of the “kingdom”, the king will probably decide to quote you at his palace (he will have been curious to know who wrote on his friends’ blogs).
And also keep in mind that you must find the right balance.
If you are just starting out, writing a guest post on a blog with 1,000 subscribers and a 1-2 year track record is a good goal, but if you have been for 2 years and have 1,000 subscribers it is not.
The right goal at the right time.