Sexual Wellness and Use of CBD Oil – How Are They Related?


CBD oil is very versatile and people use it to obtain various therapeutic benefits. The loyal customer base of CBD products vouch for its pain relieving properties and many others have found it to be a great stress buster in their everyday lives.

CBD oil is trusted by many since it is a natural alternative to other pain relievers that can cause harm when used over long periods. It is safe and is does not cause drug tolerance or addictions as well.

Some people have also found that CBD also helps them in achieving hormonal balance in their bodies and promoting blood flow that is vital to the health of our tissues and organs. This is why some people claim that use of CBD can also ramp up our sex lives.

You can explore a wide variety of CBD or hemp seed oil products at JustCBDstore online. They are the most authentic producers of high quality CBD oil and ship their products worldwide. This branded CBD store has changed the way CBD online marketplace looks to a whole new level by providing legal, licensed, and quality assurance certificates with all their products.

How does CBD work to boost your sex life?

When you began to search for a natural supplement to your sex life a boost; you will come across many suppositories, lubricants, gels, and even oral pills and supplements. You might not know but many of these natural products contain CBD oil in them. Let us know the ways in which cannabinoids improve our sexual wellness:

  • CBD being a very potent analgesic and thus helps those women in experiencing sexual pleasures who generally feel discomfort or even extreme pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Some topical lubricants containing CBD can greatly increase the blood flow while reducing inflammation in the vaginal walls. This can greatly increase their libido.
  • Cannabinoids not just improves the flow of circulating blood around the tissues but also enhances nerve stimulations; both of these contribute to better and intensified orgasms.
  • We all know that CBD is primarily used for its stress reducing properties.
  • As stress and anxiety leave your life; the cortisol levels also go down and your PNS system gets activated. Thus, you can become more receptive to pleasure sensations than before.
  • Cannabinoids activate our ECS system which is known to regulate our body’s natural capability to maintain homeostasis.
  • Once homeostasis is achieved, all our organs function in its optimal capacity and balancing of our endocrine system is also achieved.
  • Hormonal imbalance being the root cause of anxiety, stress, sleeplessness, and infertility in women is often responsible for lack of libido in women.
  • Thus, CBD can be really helpful if your sex drive is compromised by imbalance in your endocrine system.
  • CBD increases the production of anandamide, a neurotransmitter that works like oxytocin to increase our emotional bonding capacity when we hug, cuddle, or enjoy intimate contact with our partners.

CBD can thus definitely provide a huge positive impact on your sex life. However, actual clinical reference is missing to support this claim but many CBD users have claimed that CBD has actually saved their sexual lives to a great extent.

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